My Research:

My name is Jason Ott, and I am a Ph.D. candidate in the graduate program in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington. I am studying the deformation and rheology (strength) of amphibole minerals in subduction zones. My current research involves using electron microscopy to map the mineralogy and grain orientations in naturally deformed blueschist samples by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and using these maps to interpret micro-scale structures from their deformation history in ancient subduction zones. We also use energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) to look at chemical variation within individual mineral grains. Together, the two techniques give insight into the physical and chemical processes that are active in subduction zones. These observation-based studies of naturally deformed rocks are paired with in situ deformation experiments on glaucophane, the dominant amphibole mineral in many blueschists. We use large volume presses to deform our samples at temperatures and pressures relevant to subduction zones, and characterize their strength, then analyze the preserved microstructures in the deformed samples to make comparisons to microstructures in the naturally deformed rocks. This combined field and laboratory sample approach will help us better understand the deformation behavior of these rocks in particular and the dynamics of subduction zones as a whole.
Subduction zones are the complex regions where oceanic crust dives into the Earth to be recycled, and are a key element to understanding the plate tectonics of our home planet. Subduction zones host some of the most dangerous hazards on our planet, including megathrust earthquakes, tsunamis, and explosive volcanism-and are often in close proximity to population centers. Therefore, the work we do to better understand them is of importance beyond the scientific community.

Thursday, February 15, 2024:
The first manuscript from my dissertation research: Seismic Anisotropy of Mafic Blueschists: EBSD-Based Constraints from the Exhumed Rock Record has been published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. This work investigates the range of seismic anisotropy (the directional dependence of seismic velocities) that can be generated by mafic blueschists (metamorphosed oceanic crust) due to the mineral assemblages and the preferred orientations created by ductile deformation in subduction zones. We find that blueschists can generate significant anisotropy (up to 20%, with an average of around 10% in our compilation), and that the magnitude of anisotropy and symmetry of the Vp-pattern is strongly controlled by the amphibole, glaucophane.